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Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Syzygy Healthcare Solutions?
What is AfterPill®?
How does AfterPill® work?
When is it appropriate to take AfterPill®?
When is it not appropriate to take AfterPill®?
When should I take AfterPill®?
How effective is AfterPill®?
How will I know if AfterPill® worked?
What if I'm already pregnant and take AfterPill®?
Can I use AfterPill® for regular birth control?
How often can I take AfterPill®?
Will I experience any side effects from AfterPill®?
What warnings should I know about when taking AfterPill®?
When do I start taking my regular birth control pills after AfterPill®?
How can AfterPill® cost so much less?
What should I do if I have questions about AfterPill®?
What is the expiration date for each AfterPill® tablet?
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